Thursday, 20 June 2013

Door Canopy to Shield Your Rooms from Blazing Heat

retractable awningsAs the summer season approaches, you would be looking for some outdoor fun and entertainment. But the scorching sun is going to beat you down. Then you might be thinking about some shade systems for your residential space. Offering cooler temperature and a perfect space to enjoy warm weather, retractable awnings can be an ideal solution.

Awnings are available in fixed and retractable forms from which you can choose from. May be for now, we are considering the benefits of retractable awnings.

Window Canopy Reduce the outdoor heat: Definitely, the main purpose of installing a shade system in your residential space is to enjoy a cool atmosphere. You can even consider window and door canopy structures that can block the entry of direct sunlight.

Outdoor Awnings
A great space for relaxation and fun: Having outdoor awnings over your patio, pools or backyards can give you a great chance to enjoy the natural breeze without getting the unhealthy sunburn. It can also enhance the aesthetics of your out-of-doors.

UV protection: May it be a blind, shade sail or door canopy, it offers protection from the harmful ultraviolet radiations. In addition to that, it can cut down your utility bills by maintaining a cosy interior.

Easy to install: Retractable awnings are easy to install, as it just needs to be affixed on the pointers. Stretched across the areas, outdoor awnings and canopies add style and value to your home.

Window Shade
Investing in a top quality shade system would be a right decision as it can add a perfect finishing touch and enhanced level of protection to your home.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Brief into Folding Arm Awning, Canvas Blinds and Window Shades

folding arm awning
How good a house looks and feels is all about its décor, you try really hard to improve your home décor, however often it is difficult to derive utility from all things you use for this purpose. There are different ways to enhance your house and to begin with you can consider your windows. Think of options like window shades and you will be not only enhancing the beauty of your home but also adding a weather shield to it.

window shades
Windows let in air, however along with air there comes sunlight and the wind. When you do not want either of them to disturb the interior of your home you can use window shades. Made up of single material you can either fix them horizontally or vertically. Though horizontal is more preferred the choice is yours. Available in different shades you can use one to block the sun from entering your rooms. Sheer shade in soft color works great for this purpose. To give it a more homely feel you can even select Roman window shades which look like draperies and fold into themselves. Whether you want to block the sun completely or just want to stay UV protected, choose window shades to suit your requirements.

Available in different colors and designs you can use folding arm awnings to add more life and color to your home. They do not have to be plain you can choose a textured one to suit your home interior. Folding arm awnings give you the power to control the amount of sun that enters your rooms. Manual and motorized, you have two options to choose from, your required level of comfort can help you make a choice here. Folding arm awnings also make for an excellent outdoor area, use them in your garden, and you will have more comfort eating out in the open, protected from heat, light and wind.

Folding Arm Awning
For some reason if neither window shades nor folding arm awning works for you then you can think of canvas blinds, shade for the windows cannot get better. Used for the outside of the house they have less to do with your home interior, hence you need to choose them considering your house exterior. Though they come in different colors, shades and textures, plain canvas blinds look the best. Have them horizontal or vertical to keep the sun out, however note that horizontal ones are more difficult to repair than the vertical ones.

Canvas Blinds
Whether canvas blinds, folding arm awnings or window shades, all three window treatments as mentioned above are good, however which one to select will not only depend on your budget but also on your requirement.